Download Pokemon Black Pearl Emerald GBA ROM Hack (Pre-Patched)
Pokemon Black Pearl Emerald is a GBA ROM Hack by CDO based on Pokemon Emerald. It is now available to download in English and It was last updated on August 26, 2024.
- Creator: CDO
- Version: 1.0.1
- Hack of: Emerald
- Updated: August 26, 2024
- Language: English
- Status: Completed
Also. be sure to try Pokemon Perfect Emerald
Hello everyone! My name is CD, and this is my team’s first ROM hack! Although we have experience in coding, we spent several months learning how to develop using the Pokéemerald Expansion. The development team consists of myself, Captain Cole, and Wake. We’ve been lifelong fans of Pokémon Emerald and have always dreamed of creating our own modernized version that appeals to dedicated, long-time players.
This hack features both a Standard Mode and an optional built-in Nuzlocke (Expert) Mode. All wild encounters, overworld trainers, bosses, Gym Leaders, and Elite Four teams have been carefully crafted with Pokémon from Generations 1-9. There’s much more to explore in the features list below.
With that said, we truly hope you enjoy Pokémon Black Pearl Emerald!
The goal was to preserve most of the original Pokémon Emerald storyline while making some expansions and adding a few significant new elements to enhance the base plot.
The biggest story changes in your project include:
- New Gen 1-9 wild Pokémon.
- All-new Gym Leaders and Elite Four members.
- Completely revamped Trainer and Boss Teams.
- A reworked Trick House segment between the 4th and 5th Gym battles.
- A final boss rush through Victory Road, featuring familiar characters from other regions.
- A surprise rival who is both new and familiar.
- Modernized Pokéemerald Expansion: Includes all Gen 1-9 Pokémon, moves, abilities, and items.
- New Gen 1-9 Wild Encounters, Trainer Teams, Gym Leaders, and Elite Four members.
- A unique and intelligent AI for trainers, setting it apart from other ROM hacks.
- Difficulty Options: Standard mode and built-in Nuzlocke (Expert) mode, eliminating the need for manual tracking.
- Quality of Life Enhancements: Access to Old Rod and Fly early, grindless mode (unlimited Rare Candies in Nuzlocke Mode only), re-usable TMs, Pocket PC (access from anywhere), Picnic Table (heal anywhere), Pocket Watch (change time of day), and simplified evolution methods.
- 9 Starters: Mudkip, Treecko, Torchic, Honedge, Porygon, Paldean Wooper, Ralts, Eevee, and Alolan Vulpix.
- EV system removed.
- Mega Evolutions included.
- Overworld Day/Night Graphics.
- Expanded Shop Inventories.
- Verdanturf Hub Rework: Includes Move/Egg Tutors and Bean’s Shop with all items available.
- HMs can be used without occupying move slots.
- Updated Battle UI: Displays move effectiveness and power.
- Improved Rewards: Updated items from Gym Leaders and bosses.
- Move Re-learner: Available in all Pokémon Centers.
- Revamped Overworld Items.
- Shiny Odds: Adjusted to 1/512.
- Comprehensive Documentation: Full trainer and wild encounter data available in a Google Doc.
Changelog v1.0.1
A major bug was recently discovered in V1.0 where the game would freeze after defeating the Champion. This issue has been addressed, along with many other minor bugs that were reported, in the latest V1.0.1 update.
Save files are fully compatible between V1.0 and V1.0.1, making this a seamless update!
Useful Stuff

- Developers: CD, Captain Cole, Wake
- The BPE Family
- Pokéemerald Expansion Team
- Team Aqua’s Hideout
- Yogurcomins (Graphics, on Fiverr)
- Aveontrainer (Cynthia sprite, DeviantArt)
- Archie (IV Viewer, Expanded Starters)
- Pawkkie (Start Menu Clock)
- PCG (Move Info)
- Mudskip
- Ravepossum
- Josh (shinydragonhunter)
- Iriv24
- Alex (rainonline)
- Kasen
- AsparagusEduardo
- Devolov
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