Download Pokemon Glazed GBA ROM Hack (Pre-Patched)
Pokemon Glazed is a GBA ROM Hack made by redriders180 based on Pokemon Emerald. It is now available to download in English and it was last updated on June 9, 2022.
- Creator: redriders180
- Version: v8.6.3 (Completed) / v9.1.0 (Unofficial) (Completed)
- Hack of: Emerald
- Updated: June 09, 2022
Pokemon Glazed is one of the largest-ever Pokemon ROM Hacks. This is the Final Version, there is a little change with more mega Evolution, attack, etc …
Also, be sure to try Pokemon Recharged Emerald
Today’s the day you turn twelve years old, which means today is the day you get your first Pokemon. But if you were expecting an uneventful journey across the Tunod region, you’d be dead wrong. A mysterious power is sending the Pokemon world and the real world on a collision course. A mysterious team lurks around the ruins of ancient Tunod, with a mysterious purpose. You’ll meet allies in three roaming trainers from the Johto region, as well as a scarfed Pikachu hell-bent on revenge. Will you be able to handle it?
- Choose from five starters instead of three!
- Travel across the regions of Tunod, Johto, and Rankor
- Dream World Pokémon
- Pokémon from the Sinnoh, Unova, and Kalos regions
- Travel in the Pokémon World and the Real World
- Capture all five starters
- Rematches with trainers, as well as all Gym Leaders
- All legendaries from Kanto to Sinnoh, as well as eight from Unova
- New out-of-battle effects
- Physical/Special Split – moves do Physical or Special damage depending on the move, not the type
- Fairy-type included
hacksrepairman Version Additions
- Gym leaders have lower level pokemon
- All battle sprites have been updated to their newer sprites
- Mega Evolution has been implemented as much as it will be in Glazed
- Mega Evolution is a permanent change
- Bulbasaur no longer has a catch rate of 0
- All Pokemon now have their proper cry
- Manaphy and Arceus have a proper sprite icon
- The Froakie in Sprout Tower now acts as a Froakie, instead of as a Bellsprout
- Added the Power Shack to Trainer Isle, to purchase type-boosting held items
- Ranker Leaders and Mixed Leaders are enabled upon defeating the Ranker League
- Trainer Isle’s Tough Doubles, Rankor Gym Leaders, Mixed Gym Leaders, and Special Singles are available
- TMs, HMs, and move tutors will not work for a Mega Evolved Pokemon. Mega Lucario has the same learnset as Lucario, while the other Mega Evolutions only learn one move, at level 1. This move differs between each Pokemon and should be able to be taught by using any Move Relearner
- The Pokedex displays the correct map, and (generally) the correct locations for each Pokemon. Some are slightly off due to something I can’t figure out, but a great majority are completely accurate
- Pokemon capable of Mega Evolving are Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Lucario, Salamence, Absol, and Manectric. The Mega Stone will Mega Evolve them all, while the Mega Stone X only works on Charizard
Useful Stuff

Previous Versions
redriders180, JPAN, Knizz, ChaosRush, WesleyFG, Kymotonian, CSC-A7X, 2and2makes5, TehRoxxorz, Pokegirl4ever, Kid1513, Saurav, Hydragirium, Alucus, Dewitty, CNC, zetavares852, thethethethe, Brennan
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