Download Pokemon Green Celebrations GBC ROM Hack (Pre-Patched)
Pokemon Green Celebrations is a GBC ROM Hack by DarthBR & CreamELDudJafar based on Pokemon Red/Blue. It is now available to download in English and It was last updated on September 27, 2024.
- Creator: CreamELDudJafar & DarthBR
- Version: 1.0
- Hack of: Red/Blue
- Released: September 27, 2024
- Language: English
- Status: It’s a beta test version so it might still have bugs
Also try Pokemon Red++
Want to relive the old days with some improvements? Pokemon Green Celebrations is a nostalgic remake and revamp with the same features as Red and Blue Celebrations but in full color with Gen 1 or Gen 2 Trainer and Pokemon Sprites, designed for those who love the original games but want to experience them with quality-of-life updates and enhancements. This version adds new features while preserving the magic of the classic adventure, making it 100% playable from start to finish.
Pokemon Green Celebrations is the perfect blend of classic nostalgia and modern enhancements, offering a fresh yet faithful experience for both returning fans and newcomers alike. Dive back into the Kanto region, where the adventure that started it all gets even better!
- Now you can Play Gen1 as a girl!
- All 151 Pokémons can be caught or evolved without trading
- Mew Under the Truck event restored
- NPC Tradeback Guy in CELADON MART 1F (evolve trade evolutions)
- Now you can take both fossils in MT. MOON!
- Teams have mixed Pokémon (no more 5 pidgey teams)
- Aerodactyl / Omanyte / Kabuto level when revived now is 44, GIFT Lapras in Saffron now is level 34 / Eevee from Celadon Roof is 30.
- Gust is now a Flying Type instead of NORMAL
- Added Pokémon like Magmar / Electabuzz / Staryu and others to earlier routes (consult documentation)
- Infinite TM’s (they are reusable like newer gens)
- Gym Leaders, Rival, Rockets and other trainers had a buff in level, moves and parties (some parties to match Anime/Lets go Pikachu/References)
- Move Relearner added in Fuchsia
- Move Deleter added in Vermilion (undeletable HMs)
- All overworld Pokémon icons have been updated (no more generic ones)
- Party Mini sprites have been updated
- Caught Pokémon icon added in HUD Battle
- Learnsets updated to match Pokemon Yellow updated one (eg. nidoran learns double kick at lower level)
- Several POKÉMON had learnsets buffs (eg: Charizard Fly)
- Pikachu and Raichu can learn SURF through HM, just like in Yellow version
- PROF. OAK gives you 5 POKÉBALLS when you receive the POKÉDEX.
- TM names in BAG and MART (TM24 it says TM24 THNDRBLT)
- 50 item bag space
- Auto HM use (eg: surf, just touch the water and say YES)
- Auto HM use (eg: surf, just touch the water and say YES)
- Deletable HM’s
- Sort Items in BAG
- OAK Battle post game
- Message when PC is full
- Check IV/DV – hold start/select and press STATS
- Caught Icon in battle
- Moon Stone can be bought in Celadon Mart- Moon Stone can be bought in Celadon Mart
- Rockets Received a buff in levels and parties
- Reusable Repel B/W
- Gust is now a Flying Type instead of NORMAL
- Engine Bugfixes
- Attack after waking up from Sleep
- Sleep engine fixed (it works now like gen 2 – max 6 turns)
- Removed 25% chance for enemy stat down moves to miss
- Swift will not hit throught Fly or Dig
- Ghost now deals SUPER EFFECTIVE on Psychic Pokémon

Version Differences
The key differences between the Gen 1 and Gen 2 versions of Pokemon Green Celebrations are the Pokémon Sprites and Trainer Sprites.
Changelog – What’s New!
V1.0 – Initial Release: Same Features as Red and Blue Celebrations but in full color with Gen 1 or Gen 2 Trainer and Pokemon Sprites
Useful Stuff
DarthBR & CreamELDudJafar (Creator)
pret team (helped a lot) / Mateo / JustRegularLuna / DannyE / Dreams897 / JojoBear / Rainbow Metal Pidgeon / Engezerstorung / Vortiene / mauvesea / Alion / ELRT (lord of bug pokemon, i love you) / Scorp Miller / Tuxman / BeefStew and all beta testers from DISCORD
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