Download Pokemon Stadium Yellow Completed GBC Rom Hack (Pre-Patched)
- Creator: Buggford
- Base Hack: Yellow
- Language: English
- Released on: July 25, 2024
- Status: Completed
Pokemon Stadium Yellow is a GBC Rom Hack made by Buggford. It is now available to download in English and it was Released on July 25, 2024.
This hack of Pokemon Yellow aims to replicate the experience of Pokemon Stadium but on the handheld system. Basically it’s Stadium battles within Yellow’s story mode. It’s a fun little experiment I’ve had in the vault for a while, and I’ve decided to release it into the wild.
Naturally, this hack is more difficult than vanilla Yellow. Fights can be pretty volatile, so much so that it might not be viable for nuzlocking (I’m willing to be proven wrong though). This hack is intended for fans of gen 1 looking for a unique playthrough. My hope is that it will deliver some hype battles as well as funny moments.
- Improved AI: Movesets are optimised for AI. All trainers have “good AI”, won’t use any items in battle, and can make unpredictable switches.
- A few measures taken to even the playing field between the player and the AI, to replicate the experience of Stadium:
- Everything is at 100, so no level advantage possible for either side.
- StatEXP and badge boost are disabled.
- Set mode forced.
- Items in battle disabled.
- Most trainers have teams lifted directly from Stadium. Bosses, gym trainers, and mandatory route trainers usually have teams of 6. Optionals usually only have 1 or 2 Pokemon and are not worth fighting.
- Powerful mons available in the wild from the start of the game (most wilds are at L99, so you can repel).
- Marts have all the QoL items you need at low prices, minimising backtracking to the PokeCentre.
- ALL TMs are purchasable at Celadon Dpt Store, so you can customise your Pokemon however you want. Stones for Eeveelutions are Casino prizes.
- The starter Pikachu has Raichu stats, and learns the Surf HM.
Be sure to try Pokemon Keishou

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